Knowledge has always been held by a few privileged people: whether in the form of answers to questions concerning the sciences, or the arts or religion. Refusal to share knowledge therefore gives the holder jealously guarded "power". We think – perhaps – that we have equalled or exceeded the achievements of the 18th century! In fact, on questioning patients, we find that we have not. Let's take some simple examples. How many rheumatologists – not to mention surgeons – explain what we mean by "BMD"? "T-score"? "Z-score"? What is osteoporosis? Where does hormone treatment come in? How do biphosphonates work? It is clear that the results of fundamental research – such as the intimate mechanisms of intra- or extracellular physical or chemical processes – are largely over the heads of most of us – surgeons, GPs, scientists not specialising in biology, lawyers, traders, etc. But there is a simple language which can be used to explain clearly what everyone needs to know about the major events which take place in the body. The principal aim of this work is to explain in everyday language, what this disease is which makes bones more fragile – osteoporosis.. The second aim is to reduce the great fear elderly people have of falling. Hip fractures still have an abnormally bad reputation. The third aim is to demonstrate that this fracture can easily be repaired using modern techniques. The final aim is to show and explain that it is possible to strengthen a non-fractured hip using biological materials (biomaterials): bone substitutes. We use the only natural bone substitute: marine coral. Elderly people need not be afraid of going outside any more; they will be walking on strong hips. There are fundamental researchers who are dedicated to studying materials which could be used to replace bone. The leader is undeniably Mrs Nane GUILLEMIN. More than twenty years ago, with her team, she discovered the natural substrate which could be used to replace missing bone. Animal experiments performed by veterinary surgeons and parodontologists have shown the perfect tolerance (biocompatibility) of this bone substitute (material which replaces bone and can be substituted for it). Orthopaedic surgeons have attempted to apply the exceptional qualities of this product in human surgery. Unfortunately, either due to lack of resources, inadequate scientific rigour and/or inexperience in this new field of biomaterials, this natural "medication" has not had the success and development it merits. For more than twelve years, the results – obtained constantly and repeatedly – in the reconstruction of bone structure have been multiplied. This constancy of results now requires this technique to be presented to the general public, Health managers and geriatric specialists i.e. trauma surgeons, rheumatologists, gynaecologists, gerontologists and physiotherapists.