Results of curative treatment
results of a retrospective study
are reported in two articles published on the site.
Cirotteau Y. The use of biocoral for
hip fracture repair in elderly patients.
Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique, Monaco 14 : 129-134. 1995
Patat JL, Cantaloube D, Cirotteau Y.
Natural coral as bone graft substitute biomaterial ;
Corallo di ieri, corallo di oggi. Scienze e material i del patrimonio
n, culturale.
Centro universitario europeo per i beni culturali. RAVELLO. 13-15 décembre1996.
Bari : 2000.
randomised prospective study
was performed with the participation of ANVAR. It was approved by Nancy
CCPPBR on 5 October 1999 as were the amendments of 7 December 2000 and
22 June 2001.
study was set up by BIOCORAL Inc, following Dr Y. Cirotteau's work. On 26 November
1996, the company submitted an application to use the ACE-BGM procedure
to evaluate granular coral samples to repair fractures in an osteoporotic
environment. The study only began in December 1999. It has been spread
over two years. 125 patients were included, split into four sections.
coordinator is Prof. D. Mainard. Biomatech is acting as monitor. The Investigator
Centres are: University hospitals at Rennes, Nîmes, Rouen, Nancy,
Bordeaux, Strasbourg and Lyon, Neuilly and Neufchateau hospitals and Thionville
regional hospital.
preliminary results were as follows:
There were 10 postoperative deaths: 4 using natural coral and 6 without
- There were 5 serious
orthopaedic complications without any casual relationship being established
between the presence of natural coral and the occurrence of this serious
adverse event.
remaining patients are in postoperative follow-up. The average age is
84.6 with extremes of 65 and 101. Secondary deaths are therefore to be
expected during the next year or years to come.
clinical results, although preliminary and not yet validated
statistically, are as follows:
There is no particular morbidity linked to the use of natural coral at
fracture sites in osteoporotic patients.
- No serious adverse
event has been found to be linked to the procedure.
- The X-rays taken
after several months show almost total resorption of the coral grains
at the fracture site within one year.
- The return to
a previous prefracture condition is observed to take place gradually,
from the third month, which is quite remarkable given the average age
of the patients included (84).
- In spite of the
inherent difficulties in recruiting an elderly population of more or less
dependent patients, follow-up has been extremely satisfying due to the
motivation of the investigators taking part in the study.
a second phase, the results of an objective analysis of X-rays
will be provided by Prof. R. Duvauferrier and two senior radiologists
as well as Dr JC Lambotte and two senior surgeons.
Biomatech is the operator appointed by the ANVAR.
third phase will take place when all clinical results and X-rays
have been analysed. An internationally recognised statistics centre will
be in charge of producing the study report.
